Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Wanting to make a difference

I would really appreciate the chance to make a difference. But good intentions are not enough. On one hand the government has few vacancies relevant to me, a long wait before I get a job (if I even get it, that is) and a lot of protocol and hierarchy and a culture that doesn't heed the opinions of someone of a lower position/age. On the other hand are issues I feel so strongly about and that dull ache in my heart pushing me to do something about it. Just something. ANYTHING.

"I should like to be able to love my country and still love justice." -Albert Camus

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Ruby slippers

Settle abroad. 
The work culture is much better.
You will have better opportunities there.
You really should get a PR while you can.
Malaysia will never change. Go overseas.
Why are you coming back?
You will regret it later.
Your kids will be better off.
Give me one good reason how Malaysia is the better choice.

Why should I have to defend my desire to stay in the country where I was born and brought up? Why do I have to come up with a rational reason for loving my country? Why are people (random strangers included) so bent on convincing me that there is no hope in Malaysia? 

You can write me a 10 page essay on the benefits of moving to Sydney, and I may take your word for it and uproot my  life and move abroad. But one lazy Sunday morning, I will wake up and crave nasi lemak from a road side stall in Sitiawan, and I will regret it. And I'm not willing to take that chance for now. 

There's no place like home.